Off to Alt Summer 2015!

Off to Alt Summer 2015!

Off to Alt Summer 2015!

Embracing social media has been one of the most challenging things for me with Hi Little One. I don't have a Facebook Page, I don't know how to tweet and I have posted less than ten times to Instagram. Ever. I have been thrown into the world of likes, tweets, tagging and blogging and learning how much this media drives trends and influences us everyday.  I've realized this especially while reaching out to people and companies to introduce them to Hi Little One.

Developing a social media presence is an art form of writing, photos and community building and that I have a crazy amount to learn!  And while sometimes I feel like I am just finger painting in the corner; I continue to remind myself that I'm still new! And I'm trying! And I'm getting better! 


There are so many amazing blogs, Design Mom, The Small ThingsOh Joy!, just to name a few.  So many talented and inspiring people creating and engaging everyday.  Nell and I knew when starting this company that social media could truly make or break us.  

So, in order to learn about this new creative media, next week we are heading to Alt Summer 2015!!

Alt Summer 2015 is the premier conference for pioneering and rookie bloggers and creatives. We have been busy researching the Alt sponsors and speakers and attendees, all whom make up an amazing community of writers, artists and creatives!  We will report back soon on all of the amazing people we meet, what we learn and how we are going to kill it on social media (or just get better than we are now).

In the meantime, if you have any tips or (gentle) criticisms our ears are open! 

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