It’s in the Details.....

It's in the Details.....

It’s in the Details.....

Working out all the details of running Hi Little One is a full time job. We're committed to making sure everything we do and make has our personality built in, and adding all the thoughtful touches has become a full time job.

Did you know Nell stays up every night printing the labels on our products? (She actually has not slept since we launched our Kickstarter Campaign.) The Printer you all helped us buy is amazing, but it's not a miracle worker.

When we were designing the labels, we got stuck on the "How to care for this Garment" section.

"There are ironing instructions." 

"Who would actually iron (on low heat, none the less) a onesies or kids t-shirts???" 

"Do we just not tell people how? What if they want to?"

"But really, who WANTS to? Save them from themselves!"

...and on and on. So we added our own little twist to that section

Other than ironing sheets, which is shockingly gratifying - therapeutic even, laundry just isn't fun and time spent doing so should be minimized at all cost.  So, the next time you're washing the spit up off one of our onesies (for the second time that day) and you see the label, have a little chuckle, and spare yourself the time to press it! 

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