Going Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As you might know, Hi Little One gives 10% of its profits to organizations dedicated to the treatment and cure of Pediatric Cancer. It is a cruel disease that affects all ethnic, gender and socio-economic groups.
15,700 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in the US alone. In an earlier blog post, we talk about our brother Sean's battle with cancer at age 12. There are so many stories like Sean's out there and too many little ones fighting cancer today.
In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and to honor all of the little ones who have been effected by childhood cancer we have designed a special t-shirt and onesie to create awareness, raise hope, holler a battle cry and shine a spotlight on a disease that touches so many.
We are selling these shirts for $10, our absolute, bare minimum breakeven point. So, we won't be making any profit to donate from these duds, but we will be doing a small part in spreading the word.
So think about your own story with childhood cancer and join the fight!